Thursday 8 July 2010

Cannot see the wood for the trees.

Last year it was collecting images of butterflies which gave my wanderings a continuity thread. There is no reason to give up on this venture but the learning process it affords is becoming increasingly marginal.

Hopefully there will be species this year I did not see last year but the majority of the identification will have been done. For some reason I missed seeing the Orange Tip butterfly last year, something I rectified this year. Yet to take a photograph of these rascals as they seem to have plenty of energy to burn and landing seemed to be on none of their minds.

I like trees, the more the merrier (commercial conifer plantations excluded) but my knowledge of them is suspiciously scant. I have secretly envied those that appear to be able to pick up a twig and tell what tree it is.

So this is the project which will inform the next few months stroll, leaves being a pretty good hint as to what the tree is. Trees are patient creatures not prone to flying away before identified and when i go back next year they should be where I left them.

The downside being there are a lot more species I will commonly encounter and for the most part they are going to be brown trunks supporting lots of green leaves.

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