Saturday 29 August 2009

Epilepsy of obloquy

Or to put it another way, “Lost in translation”.

It seems my post Give a walk a name was picked up by one of those blogs that has no concerns regarding repackaging original content in an effort to flog some tat for their own profit.

So far so mundane, but what has given this effort an extra edge and makes it noteworthy is the slant it has put on translation.

So here is my text as it appears on someone else’s blog:

“I realised this many eld past with the brainstorm axes went by assorted names, weight and appendage length existence the criteria. In the epilepsy of obloquy you attain your possess up. A artist warning for me existence “Rabbit log”. Rabbit log defines a patch of connector most 10 foot by 3 foot. It is featureless, it has no study on some map. 25 eld past a friend's canid caught a rabbit, such to everyone's astonishment, but having caught it was at a loss as to just what to do next. ...”

The blog is concerned with weight-loss patch flogging by all appearances. (Here is my unexpected guest appearance)

We are most certainly on the wrong side of the looking glass here.  I write in English and the blog that copied my work is in English, but clearly at some point it has been through a translator and then translated back.

It seems to just scan for phrases that might be about articles associated with losing weight, what happens next is something of a mystery.  Now this page has a good deal of weight loss content and words associated with the losing of weight.  See where this is heading?

This is not a copy and paste rant, don’t put anything on the internet if you don’t want it copy and pasted.  There is plenty of my thought scattered far and wide across the internet in various guise, orphaned words with only the vaguest memory of parentage, it is part of the deal.  We all know what it is like reading your own words in unexpected places.

This funfair mirror approach to blogging is great, what is reflected back is a twisted version of what was and is.  It is creating its own partially original form in the process.  Certainly my writing can lose focus, but at no point have I considered axes appendage length.  The phrase “epilepsy of obloquy you attain your possess up” is fantastical and all the more wondrous as my original the phrase is “In the absence of names you make your own up”.

Obloquy is not a word you get to use very often, it can be termed as a disgrace suffered from abusive language, one who denies or disputes (here it is).  I don’t think the phrase “epilepsy of obloquy” is ever going to be bettered, like a small child I am desperate to incorporate it into a conversation at the earliest possible opportunity, it might be a while.

The fact the blog entry was about it being easier to follow and copy than have an original thought just adds to twisted landscape we find ourselves in.  Initially it was a sly dig at my own expense given Martin at Summit and Valley had flagged the Munro changes which was the jumping off point for my blog post.

Back to business as usual tomorrow, whatever that actually is, but I could not resist sharing this.

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