Monday 13 July 2009

Who do I write this blog for and why?

Me. Its that simple.

Well if it is just for me, why not write it in a traditional journal?
They are less fun, not so searchable or linkable with the outside world, multimedia content in a journal is limited.

Why is it public?
Why not. If someone else reads it and gets some pleasure out of it thats good too.

Why is it full of the word "you"?
It sounds less egocentric than "me", its the only reason. It is the future me which is the you.

If I could travel back in time, the youthful me would not recognise what I have become, the old me would struggle to understand what I once was, its the truth of it. It would be a depressing experience for young me and simply sad for old me.

Its poor writing style, but this is not a pulitzer prize entry, there are no marks for it, and there is no payment for it.

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