Wednesday 15 July 2009

Saving my world one Kwh at a time.

Just lately I have been on a re-examination of electricity consumption. Done all the usual stuff, as the traditional bulbs have blown more energy efficient ones have been put in. It made me feel all warm and cozy saving the planet.

But recently it struck me just how much stuff is left "on" when it actually is not benefiting me at all. I am not even in the room, the TV and DVD is working away, the lights are on, the computer running.

I walk into another room, settle in front of that TV (if you get the impression I am some sort of luddite shunning the modern world dismiss that thought now).

This isnt standby stuff, this is on stuff.

So just recently an effort to religiously switch off items as I leave the room has overcome me and its had a number of effects.

Firstly, my sanctimonious score has risen, I am saving even more of the planet now.
My electricity bill will be falling which is no bad thing, but they will shove the price up again soon enough to combat this drop in revenue I don't doubt.

But the most surprising thing is how it has actually affected my habits.

No longer do I throw myself into a chair and stare at the TV, coz its on (its always on) but now I have to make an active decision to put it on.

There is no planet saving thinking about the decision, nor cost cutting. My efforts to save the planet mean absolutely nothing, the industrialisation of China and the sub-continent is going to make our current efforts to destroy/save the planet so much pissing in the wind.

Cutting the electricity bill means nothing, its pennies being saved, I've always been able to afford it, I will continue to be able to afford it.

What has really happened is "Is there anything on TV that is worth watching?" is a question being asked seriously for almost the first time. If I cannot think of anything then it does not get switched on.

So often over the last year or so I have had to admit the TV is on 24/7 but I am never actually watching anything, or if I am, its stuff I have seen before.

Indeed the Wimbeldon fortnight was a form of visual torture. I watch it because it is a sporting event but when it is over I am so glad that banal activity is over.

There might be about 5 hours of TV (beyond my beloved sport) which I will watch in a week and maybe an hour of that is adverts I cut out by pre-recording everything.

I have discovered the TV is like being at a party where people just basically talk to you constantly about stuff you barely have an interest in without letting you get a word in edge-wise. Its worse, the TV does not even acknowledge your existence.

I am of the generation that first grew up with TV, its been a constant companion, a great educator at its best but something akin to a brain rotting drug at its worse.

That on/off switch has cut down the signal to noise ratio of the idiot box beyond any measure I would have imagined. Its given my ears a rest and me time to think for myself.

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