Wednesday 29 July 2009

It’s my birthday

So another year has slipped its moorings and sailed for good.  A new age for me begins.

Feels very much like the last one, but don’t they all.

I try not to do the reflection thing.  The past is a pit of misery, regret and clearly defined opportunity missed, the future is uncertain but it is just a path set by past errors so cannot be expected to be anything more than a calamity waiting and philosophers have argued the present doesn’t really exist.

Does not really leave a lot of room for manoeuvre.

I might sound a little depressive, it is my nature, but I learn to cope with it and exist within the moment.  The idea that this might not actually exist I find very amusing.  Not in the sixth form common room type philosophical way, or the intense proto-beard stroking of University hothouse way either.  It is more the certainty that exist or not, it works for me and I cannot alter it so will try and accept it.  Someone else can tie (or pretend to tie) their brain into complex knots and get nowhere in the process.

Birthday pressies comprise some walking items I have wanted for a while, or replacing things I have had for a while and now not functioning so well.  The compass which is more air bubble than fluid is finally being replaced.

There will be few surprises as I have bought most of the things myself and just told people how much they cost and they choose what to “buy”.  Saves them racking their brains as to what to buy “the bloke that wants nothing”.

Remember when you always got socks as a present and had to make efforts not to hurl them across the room in disgust.  Now I buy socks for myself and get them wrapped up so I can open them on my birthday.  They are nothing clever or technical, just some polyester socks (black) but I am looking forward to getting my feet into them.  15 pairs actually.  I like the certainty of restricted choice.  If all you have is 15 pairs of identical socks the choice of what socks to wear becomes redundant.  The trick is making the initial choice from the myriad available.

Still I am enjoying it, all the presents are stuff I want, everyone can relax in that knowledge.  It has removed all the stress of wondering if I have to grin and bear some “wacky” present someone has racked their brains to find.

I took the day of my labours with the intention of going outside and enjoying the summer.  It is raining so now I feel slightly annoyed about taking the day off.  Afterall my birthday could have always waited for a sunny day.

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